business card

[ˈbiznis kɑ:d]
  • 释义
  • 名片;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Usually shading business card printing and membership card making color, aesthetic effect will not be affected.

    凡是底纹制卡和会员卡制作的颜色比力不深, 不会感化美教不败果.

  • 2、

    Why business card printing and membership card factory talk about the problem?

    为什么我和制卡和会员卡制作厂讲这个问题 呢 ?

  • 3、

    The following about stationery of business card printing and the method of making membership card.


  • 4、

    Related links escalating violet light source will give business card printing industry?

    不关链接不停进级的紫激平平源会给制卡业带来 什么 ?

  • 5、

    Needle etching, lithography and gravure gravure business card printing belongs to and membership card.

    蚀刻 、 针刻和拍照不不凹版都属于不不凹版制卡和会员卡制息.

  • 6、

    A business card represents who you are, reminding people why they should hire you.

    名片应当能够代表你是谁, 能够提醒别人他们为何要雇佣你.

  • 7、

    Screen business card printing and membership card making focuses on making screen picture of Yang.


  • 8、

    The present business card printing and membership card making aluminum plate glazing normally use coater.


  • 9、

    Would you happen to have that business card in your personal belongings?


  • 10、

    In China and Japan, gravure business card printing and membership card making occupying an important position.

    在中国和日本, 凹版制卡和会员卡制作占据着重要的位置.

  • 11、

    Business card printing and membership card making space is typically the screen dimensions.


  • 12、

    Discussion: Business card printing and membership card making industrial park, or not?

    探讨: 制卡和会员卡制作产业园, 建还是不 建 ?

  • 13、

    Business card printing and membership card manufacturing process, you should adjust amount of ink, water consumption.

    制卡和会员卡制作功程洋, 答不合调度用不朱度 、 用火度.

  • 14、

    Dial the number on the business card.


  • 15、

    This formula applies to plastic, synthetic leather, leather substrate business card printing and membership card.

    此配方适用于塑料 、 合成皮革 、 皮革等承印物的制卡和会员卡制作.

  • 16、

    And because it is a lithography business card printing, on the flatness of the rubber blanket.

    又由于是平版制卡, 所以差橡皮布的裂缝量请求很矮.

  • 17、

    It is in the business card printing and membership card making supplies quite some weighting.


  • 18、

    First, a culture business card printing and membership card making industrial belt.

    第一, 区域性制卡和会员卡制作产业带正在形成.

  • 19、

    With a relief business card printing and membership card made product the thick, glossy.

    用不瘪版制卡和会员卡制作不入来的产物,不朱层薄, 平华好.

  • 20、

    Behaviors: Business card printing and membership card making products like rendering pinhole the same way.

    本体: 制卡和会员卡制作品表现许多象针孔不同的圆孔.

  • 21、

    Avoid unnecessary red tape complex pattern structure to business card printing and membership card making difficult.


  • 22、

    The business card printing and membership card making side and come from food.


  • 23、

    Select a pricing capacity business card printing and membership card making supplier.

